Saturday, September 10, 2011

Let My Heart Be Warmed Again

My cousin Sanket Joshi has beautifully composed and sung my poem "Let My Heart Be Warmed Again".

Let My Heart Be Warmed Again

Many verses have I penned,
Various moods have flowed along,
With no mention of the Supreme Lord,
All but parts of some useless song.

Now that I try to write again,
Glorifications of that Supreme Lord,
The rebellious mind helps no more,
I find it hard, to even start.

And so I pray to that Supreme Lord,
Let my heart be warmed again,
Let it overflow with nectarean words,
To drench Him as will torrential rain!


Vipul S said...

very nice realization
i saw ur article published in back to Godhead magazine this month

Vrajendra kumar das

Avantika said...
