On July 19, 2008, on behalf of Children’s VOICE, enthusiastic devotees arranged for a grand Ratha Yatra Festival for the pleasure of Lord Jagannath! Lord Jagannath is so kind that every year once he comes out of His temple at Sri Jagannath Puri Dham to give darshan to millions of living entities all over the universe. But Srila Prabhupada, His pure devotee, is even more kind! He has brought the transcendental festival of the Ratha Yatra to the streets of all the major cities in the world! Srila Prabhupada’s mercy continues to increase day-by-day as his followers continue to strive hard to push ahead his movement.
One such example was this children’s Ratha Yatra. It was arranged very lovingly by Deepali Mataji, Jyothi Mataji, Madhuri Nidhi Mataji, and Anna Mataji and their friends under the wonderful and able guidance of H. G. Yashodarani Mataji. The venue was the house and society in which H. G. Sri Badarayani Prahbu resides.At around 4pm, the small kids started arriving at the venue with their parents. The Mataji devotee gang then started decorating the beautiful kids with tilak, gopi dots, etc. After they were so decorated, the excited kids sat bubbling with excitement in front of His Grace Gaura Krishna Prabhu! Sunil Rao Prbbhu was instrumental in inviting him for this occasion. H. G. Gaura Krishna Prabhu is a brahmachari disciple of H. H. Lokanath Swami Maharaj. He led an ecstatic kirtan to which the kids and their parents responded enthusiastically. He also passed around the mike to the kids so that they could each lead one Hare Krishna Mantra each! Varying the tempo of the kirtan between slow to medium to super fast, he enthralled everyone present. After the kirtan, he impressed upon the children that today they are supposed to take Krishna back from Kurukshetra to Vrindavan where all His relatives and friends are waiting desperately to meet Him.
The bubbling children were then given banners and flags. Some of the flags were small round pieces of paper with Lord Jagannath ‘s face painted on them. A beautiful red Ratha was already ready for carrying Lord Jagannath, Lord Baladev, Mother Subhadra, and the Sudarshan Chakra on their journey. Once the Ratha was properly positioned, Their Lordships arrived to sit on them. H. G. Gaura Krishna Prabhu performed an arati for the deities while Piyush Prabhu led a sweet kirtan. The kids were too excited already to wait any longer! And after the conch shell was blown, the children pulled the Ratha! Jai Jagannath!

The Mataji devotees had made wonderful arrangements. The kids were well trained. Some of them were sweeping the path before the Lord’s Ratha. Others were showering flower petals before the path of the Lord’s Ratha. All the parents were full of smiles and some even actively took part in pulling the cart and other arrangements.
Meanwhile H. G. Gaura Krishna Prabhu and Piyush Prabhu were leading an ecstatic kirtan, simultaneously playing the bongo and the mridangam respectively. H. G. Sri Badarayani Prabhu and others played the kartals while Piyush Prabhu’s father and others carried on their shoulders the speaker. Everyone was blissful. Almost all the balconies in the surrounding buildings had people curiously looking at the amazing scenes below. Lord Jagannath was at His merciful best! The Ratha was pulled out on the streets! Traffic was stopped as the Lord of the Universe rode gallantly pulled lovingly by His devotees. Never before has such mercy been available to the people of the world. Lord Chaitanya’s devotees were singing and dancing on the street as if inviting everyone to join in the eternal pastimes of Lord Jagannath.
Along the way, quite a few people came out of their houses to offer their respect to Lords Jagannath-Baladev-Subhadra-Sudarshan. They offered Him incense, flowers, and even some bhoga. It was a touching scene as amidst rousing kirtans the Lord accepted the offerings of His children. For those who are too busy to pay Him a visit, the Supreme Lord Himself comes out to give darshan. What mercy! Jai jagannath! Jai Gaur-Nitai! Jai Srila Prabhupada!
The Ratha finally reached its final destination, back to Sri Badarayani Prabhu’s house. H. G. Gaura Krishna Prabhu and Piyush Prabhu, as if tireless, continued leading ecstatic kirtans as the kids danced with gay abandon. Prasad distribution followed and everyone honored the delicious Chinese preparations. Surely, a lot of kids and parents were touched and inspired by this event. Surely the efforts of all the devotees did not go in vain. Surely Lord Jagannath was pleased! Let us congratulate and thank H. G. Yashodarani Mataji, Deepali Mataji, Jyothi Mataji, Madhuri Nidhi Mataji, Anna Mataji, Sri Badarayani Prabhu, Sunil Rao Prabhu and their friends for their efforts. And let us thank H. G. Gaur Krishna Prabhu and Piyush Prabhu for their tireless enthusiasm and ecstatic kirtans. Let us also thank and congratulate everyone who participated in this most auspicious festival of the Ratha Yatra! Jai Jagannath! Jai Jaannath! Jai Jagannath!
Yours in the service of Krishna, Abhijit.
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