Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Social Gathering

Social get-togethers are memorable and warmer when in the presence of widely and genuinely respected loving elders. They are even more enchanting when people express their gratitude openly and downplay their mutual differences of opinions.

Otherwise social events are typically shallow formalities attended out of social pressure. Even if attended willingly, if devoid of the warmth of loving elders and heartfelt gratitude, social functions are like any other means of popular entertainment meant for passing (i.e. wasting, killing) time. Most of the times they degrade into gossip parties where nothing more enlightening than relatives, politics, sports, television, and economics is discussed. Despite coming together physically, people attending these gossip parties hardly feel the bond of togetherness - because there is no strong common ideal that binds them together. The ideal of "let's enjoy together" focuses not on togetherness, but on enjoyment.

There are a few occasions where social events are enlivening due to the warmth of relationships and the open expression of gratitude. Typically on these occasions the heart is overjoyed seeing the mutual affection flowing all around. These are the real social gatherings.

This principle applies at an even deeper level. Such gatherings are even more meaningful if centered around not just family relationships, but on our relationship with the supreme lord. If we accept the lord as the most loving and respectable person in our life and family, then no social gathering is warm enough without him. If we don't accept the Lord as such, any social gathering, no matter how pleasing to the heart, is merely a polished version of the shallow formal gathering. It might enliven us, but will do nothing to enlighten us.

From today, let's accept the supreme lord as our most respectable dearest relative and our best and most loving friend.
