Monday, October 12, 2015

Do You Really Care?

People are unhappy. Someone has lost their dear one, someone has not yet settled down in life. Someone still yearns for affection and appreciation, or that elusive recognition. Someone still looks back at what could have been and some heart burns at a lifetime of limited success. Someone has classmates more accomplished than them, someone has friends who pity them. Someone struggles for daily bread and someone dreams for a stable job. The list is unending. Eyes moisten if you care to look.
Most times we are too busy or unhappy to notice. Or the thoughts are replaced soon by something less disturbing to the mind. But great souls notice. It moves them to action. They wish to see everyone happy.
Great souls work tirelessly to mend, soothe, strengthen, and protect the heart. They spread the message and culture of true love, the only real need of the crying heart. A loved heart feels safe and satisfied; external circumstances affect it less. Deep selfless love is what the heart yearns for. Such love isn't to be found in temporary relationships with the imperfect people of this world.
No one can satisfy the heart except the one who created it. If you truly care, spread this message. Dispel the illusion that something else can make one happy.
Do you really care?

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