Friday, October 7, 2016

Proud of being Wrong

Many times we do what we do, not because it's the best option, but only because our mind craves for it. What's more, choosing the sub-optimal option makes us feel independent - why should I follow someone else's opinion? I am free to choose my way of life. I will decide for myself - always. Thus, it's just egotism that controls our decisions, not timeless wisdom. And we are proud of it.
This false sense of ego and bloated sense of importance about one's own opinion makes us deaf to any principles that are higher than the ones we currently follow. Tragically, we even deride higher principles because they don't comply to our own sense of right and wrong.
It takes a humble disposition to open our minds to sincerely try to understand potentially higher principles even if they go against our current sensibilities.
Do you have the courage to change, no matter what age you are?

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