Monday, July 13, 2020

Plug in to the Tree of Universal Principles

The unwise mind thinks in terms of this or that, but the wiser mind thinks in terms of this and that. Wisdom makes us see the interrelationships between all things. Wisdom reveals some principles as higher than others and some principles as adjacent to each other but connected to some higher common principle. Enlightened action requires us to understand our current conditioning and these interrelationships of principles, and then act in our respective capacities fuelled by the highest principles.
The key is to not judge others whose hierarchy of principles is different from ours. It requires deep study and genuine humility and intense desire to find out the truth to arrive at the highest principles. Very few are fortunate enough to encounter, and to actually appreciate, the Absolute Truth.
The Absolute Truth is way beyond the sensory perception and wildest speculations of the typical human being. And his sense of self importance and his illusion about his own intelligence blinds him to any instructions about transcendence. Thus they keep busy with inherently meaningless matters of this world because they are infatuated with the sense gratification and ego satisfaction that they provide.
The transcendalist has answers for all problems of this world in a practical way based on the sound hierarchy of universal principles. It's not about solving all problems in this world, which is utopian, but about how to lead ones life to navigate the practical and philosophical complexities of life in this world. Its about starting from your current set of principles and following a practical process to gradually align yourself to the highest set of principles. It's not about excluding principles, but of harmonizing them with the highest principles.
Just plug in.

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