Monday, July 13, 2020

The Sword of Spiritual Knowledge Kills the Demon of Envy

Typically everyone in this world wants to feel that they are better in some way or the other than others. Comparing and competing with others is a result of this mentality. This also causes envy for others. It can cause inferiority complex, or superiority complex. It causes one to find faults with others; in fact a major part of people's time goes in finding faults with others. It causes the pathetic behaviour of showing others how they themselves are so good (most of social media is about showing off).
This need to feel better than others is the result of a dissatisfied heart. The heart can only be fully satisfied when it is dedicated to loving and serving God. Serving God includes serving all living beings because all living beings are part of God. Without explicitly serving God, with selfless love, complete satisfaction cannot come.
But the egoistic mentality prevents us from accepting that there is God who is infinitely great and that we are completely insignificant in every way. And so the disease of wanting to feel oneself better than others continues and so continue all the problems of the world.
If we accept that we are all insignificantly tiny, then we see that no matter how materially successful one is or not, it's all the same from the spiritual point of view. This is spiriutal knowledge. So where is the place for comparison and envy?
Moreover, this freedom from envy opens the heart up for giving and receiving love in the service of God. This freedom from the artificial (because it's based on ignorance) egoistic mentality allows the heart to function in its natural way of loving God.
Let us be kind upon ourselves first by using the sword of spiritual knowledge to kill this mentality of trying to feel that one is better than others.

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