Hare Krishna!
I was reading the book "Surrender unto Me" by Bhurijan Prabhu. This book is the textbook for the advanced "Bhakti Shastri" course. I got hold of the book because Amol Katkar Prabhu was reading it while we were going to Mumbai together in a train. I suddenly realised a very important point. And that is, Krishna speaks in the Bhagavad Gita two kinds of words.
1. Information. E.g., what is Karma Yoga, Dhyana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Gyan Yoga, and other information like the history of the Bhagavad Gita, modes of nature, and so on...
2. Instructions. E.g. "surrender all your work unto Me", or "give up all varieties of religion, and just surrener unto Me"... and so on.
I realised that we should undetrstand both the types of words, but do what Krishna tells in His instructions instead of doing something based on the other information while ignoring the instructions. E.g., Krishna explins that one can attain the Supreme by working without attachment to the result of the activities, but He also instructs us to totally surrender unto Him. So, we must understand the former, but instead of just working without attachment to results, one must surrender to Him, because thats the instruction.
Your servant,
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