Hare Krishna!
What's the first step in learning how to play Mridangam? HariNaamAnand Prabhu told us while we were in Dehu with lot of our co-councelees of JaiNarsimha Prabhu. The first step is -- pray to Lord Nityananda :)
The picture is of us having HariNaam Sankirtan on a boat ride in Dehu. HariNaamAnand Prabhu is playing the Mridangam, and Manoj Mehta Prabhu is playing the Kartals.
Then he explained that when Chaitanya MahaPrabhu was going to descend to the earth with all His associates, His flute was upset. His flute said. "How can you go leaving me alone here?" Hearing this, the all-merciful Lord Krishna replied, "OK, you take the form of the Mridangam and come with Me."
Jai! So, the Mridangam is non-different from Krishna's Flute and therefore must be given all respects by taking the blessings of Lord Nityananda (who is the same AnantaShesh, and who is the one who takes the shape of all paraphernalia for the Supreme Lord Krishna).
Hari Naam Sankirtan Ki JAI!!
Your servant, Abhijit.
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