Dear All,
Srila Prabhupada says "Inquisitiveness is the sign of intelligence." Who will disagree? Therefore, the most intelligent and scientific and logical minded person wants to understand everything from the basics. So, the most basic question is "Who am I?" Isn't it? Who will disagree? Or is the most basic question "Where will I get most salary?" Lets think about this.
Another example. Suppose you are lost in a forest. And you are wandering and wandering and are almost dead of anxiety! And now fortunately you come upon a village of people! So, whats the first question that you will ask? Will it be "Where is the nearest Cinema Theater?" or will it be "Where am I?" Just think about this.
So, there are some basic questions whose answers are most important to an intelligent person. That's because the intelligent person understands that his well-being is based on the answers to
these essential questions! And that is why that person is called intelligent. He who knows what his well being is in.
Therefore, we must all strive to search for the answers to the most essential questions of existence. Only when we understand the answer to "Who am I?", will I be able to lead a life in such a way that I will become happy. Just like, suppose an old 80 year old poet starts thinking that "I am a Rugby player!" So, do you think he will be able to remain happy? Even if he firmly believe that he is a rugby player, he will not find a place in any team! And that will cause him misery.. because of not having any qualities of a rugby player, and yet thinking that he is a rugby player!
Similarly, if I start thinking (as the media is trying to force me to believe) that I am this body. That my existence will stop as soon as this body is dead.. Then I will start doing things as if I am the body. So, all my activities will be based on this assumption that I am this body. So, I'll protect my body, feed it, entertain it, and so on.. and the body will be all I know. But then, I will not be happy! Just as the old poet was not happy thinking of himself as a rugby player! Because he does not have any qualities of a rugby player. Similarly, my qualities are totally different from what I think they are. I think that I am the body, that will die one day and therefore, till I die, I should enjoy as much as possible. On the contrary, I am actually not the body, but the soul, which is actually eternal and will never die!! Therefore, because of pampering the body, and neglecting oneself (the soul), I (soul) can never be happy, no matter how much I take care of what I am not (the body).
Well, this is not very difficult to understand. However, the inquisitiveness must be there to know the truth. That is the sign of intelligence. If the inquisitiveness is there, then the Absolute
Truth (God) will guide you to the Truth!
Your servant, Abhijit.
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