Why ISKCON seems to only focus on well-to-do people?
I have some thoughts on this, stated below:
- We must tell the people that ISKCON goes to the intelligencia, to the IITs, and other top colleges because that’s the fastest way of spreading the movement. These people have tremendous potential and can do wonders when their energies are channelised properly. If we focus our preaching effors on the illiterate, poor, and so on, then where is the hope of spreading the movement. However, once we have very intelligent and competent people, they can then start up preaching (and other devotional activities like Kirtan and Prasadam distribution etc.) in the other sections of the society. The policy is to first create a lot of competent devotees, and then send them out to conquer more and more unconquered land! The ultimate goal is to spread the movement in every town and village on the face of Earth and for that its imperative that we have the best as our leaders!
- Having said that, it doesn’t mean that ISKCON neglects the poor! On the contrary, the only way to help the poor is to inspire the rich and talented to help the have-nots. Thus, because of having such talented and competent and intelligent and compassionate associates, gradually, ISKCON's influence is spreading to a wider and wider spectrum of the society. Thus, even if in the major preaching centers one might see the majority as the well-to-do, a lot of activity happens elsewhere which is often unknown to the casual observer.
- Furthermore, there is no organisation in the world that can totally satisfy all the food and shelter needs of the poor people in general. Therefore, its not quite logical to put that responsibility on ISKCON, knowing full well that that is not ISKCON's focus area anyway. Just like, one cannot go and accuse a school for not providing food and shelter to the students outside of school hours! Or, one cannot go to a cardiologist and accuse him that he is not curing brain diseases!
- Even people who do not understand the profound spiritual mission of ISKCON have a lot to appreciate. They can easily look upon ISKCON as an international educational organisation with organised professional grade teaching about the highest Vedic principles hapenning all over the world. Then, people can look upon ISKCON as a Yoga institution which is teaching the highest principles of Bhakti Yoga to the general mass of people free or at some easily affordable costs. This involves highly scientific concepts, most prominent of which is the Mantra Meditation (chanting of Hare Krishna MahaMantra!) This has given relief and brought joy to about a million people in the world as of today! Then, people can look upon ISKCON as an organization that distributes a lot of free food (which is actually prasadam!!) all around the world. ISKCON's "Food For Life" organization is one of the largest, if not the largest organization in the world that distributes free vegetarian food! These are just a few instances of the many many that prove that ISKCON is as good as (if not better than) any other social work organization. In this regard, you might want to visit the following link : The Barsana Eye Camp
- However, ISKCON is way way more than just a social work organization. It is the movement of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu who is Krishna Himself, according to a lot of major Vedic literatures like the Srimad Bhagavatam and the MahaBharat. It is an organization that systematically propogates the message of God using the latest technological tools in order to reach the most number of people in as less time as possible. It is providing the opportunity for the general mass of people to transcend the cycle of repeated birth and death and go back to the Kingdom of God that is promised in the various major religious scriptures of the world.
Your servant,
Dear Prabhu
Iskcon doesnot focus on well to do people. it focusess on the people who are innocent & have faith to take to this devotional process.
whether illiterate or literate
whether poor or rich whether well-to-do or miserable. We are not biased!!!!
We are looking for intelligent people & intelligent person according to Vedas means one who can take to the process of evotional service & surrender unto
the Supreme personality of Godhead Sri Krishna.
it is iskcon pune who is at the lead to go to IITians only few temples are doing preaching at colleges. we are preaching to the students & educated people to generate bramhanas , that is the intelligent class of the ociety,the most lacked aspect of todays world.When these people take to higher jobs of governement & administration They can lead the society in a KCON way. whoever takes to KCON gets all good qualities needed for a successful leader.
your points are very good
i think the heading shud be
"Contribution of ISKCON to the world Society " there was once a ppt presentation done on the above topic by HG Balgovind Pr
what do u say ?
ur servant,
Hare Krishna Prabhu,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada !!
I have been struggling to answer this question ever since I got this gift of KC through VOICE-BHU. Thank you very much for your answers. Also, I have some of my own views.
1. People, in general, are skewed in their perspective as to "who needs help and what is that help". Especially in India, where poverty is prominent, giving food,shelter & material education,etc. are the only activities considered as social welfare. But, in reality, rich people suffer as much (if not more) mainly due to excessive stress, family problems. A typical high-flier (IIT,IIM sort) may not admit it, but he is actually in dire need of HELP.
2. Also, people look upon ISKCON with suspicion as they generally have prior bad experiences with selfish and corrupt so-called sadhus. So, anybody who seems to have laptop ,car & wealth is sure to be misunderstood. They dont know the purity and simplicity of our temples' inmates.
3. To substantiate your point, we have practically seen how general mass of people is inspired upon seeing educated youth taking to KC. When we do bok dist. in train, and they come to know of our education and job,etc , they really appreciate and are inspired to atleast begin the process of devotional service.
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