Hare Krishna!
Please accept my humble obeisances! All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! All Glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!
I just returned an hour ago to Pune from a trip to Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Temple, Chowpatty, Mumbai! Had gone there for the Prerana Youth Festival. The topic of the day was "The Antya Lila of Cricket Consciousness" :) More on that in another article.
We left Pune at around 1315 by a State Transport Bus. There were Shailesh Prabhu, Deepak Prabhu, and three other nice friends of Deepak Prabhu whom Deepak Prabhu had so mercifully invited! Thats the mark of a Vaishnava. He wants to give to others what he has got - attraction towards the Supreme Personality of Godhead!
We reached the divine temple at around 1800. After about an hour of ecstatic Kirtan, the lectures started. We had two of the most wonderful disciples of our dear Srila Prabhupada. His Holiness Devamrita Sw

After the lectures, we had an ecstatic feast! Then we went to a place called BanaGanga around 2-3 Kmsfrom the temple. I was pleasantly surprised to know that that little pond has a spiritual significance! When Lord Rama, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, had come there with Mother Sita, Mother Sita became thirsty. So Lord Rama fired one of His divine arrows and there appeared Mother Ganga! :) I was a bit stunned that there can be such a spiritual place in such an unwelcome place as South Mumbai. Anyways, arrangements for our rest had been made in a place near BanaGanga. Such is the embracing mercy of the Vaishnavas who would have worked so hard to make the whole program such a wonderful event.
We woke up around 0345. Then all of us had baths (one after another) in a single bathroom under a single tap :) Sounds austere initially, but its part of spiritual life actually. One cant expect all material comforts while serving the Lord. The devotee must be ready to serve the Lord and His devotees under all circumstances. We reached the temple around 0500. Because of the renovation activities that are going on in the temple hall, the Mangal Arati is not held in the temple room, but on the ground floor in another room. But that doesnt prevent devotees from getting the Darshan of the Lord of their hearts! There is live video streaming. And we had Darshan! And boy! Is He gorgeous!!!
Gopinath is so so beautiful that the beauty cannot be described. His every limb is exquisitely beautiful. His Lotus Feet are the shelter of all beings. And they are so beautiful that the best poets amongst the purest of devotees can forever go on writing poems on Them. His calfs are so beautifully and perfectly shaped that there is no doubt that the Deity is Gopinath Bhagavan Himself, descending to this world just for the pleasure of His pure devotees. And the fold in His form at His waist is so charming that when one sees it, it seems as if the Supreme Dancer is dancing, though He is present in His Deity form, which is static. And His Hands are the most beautiful hands one can ever hope to see. Each hand, with fingers in certain positions, is playing some transcendental tune that can be heard in the beats of the Mridangam! And His Lotus face. I cannot explain what sheer disbelief it awakens in my heart! I just am amazed that something as gorgeous as His Lotus face can exist! Just that face of the Supreme Personality of Godhead can instill unflinching faith in the hearts of those who are fortunate enough to get the opportunity to see it. And this whole body of my sweet Lord is tinged with a bluish hue that radiates out and causes His body to glow and have an aura all around. No wonder that once you see Him, you can never forget Him.
I pray to Srila Prabhupada and all Vaishnavas that I can someday dedicate my every moment in the service of the most beautiful Lord - Sri Sri Radha Gopinatha Bhagavan!

After the Mangal Arati, everyone chanted their rounds. Then at 0830 started the Srimad Bhagavatam lecture by His Holiness RadhaNath Swami Maharaj! I was sitting three feet from him and I was so glad to bask in his divine presence. He glanced at me a couple of times during the lecture... and I did not know how to react. Whether to look into his eyes, or lower them, or what.. I was a bit nervous to be so physically near a pure devotee of Krishna for such a long stretch of time. 1.5 hours.
Then I met His Grace ChaitanyaCharan Prabhu discussing some matters regarding the blog for the Spiritual Scientist Magazine amongst other things. I was with him for about 2 hours. It was already 12:15 by then. Unfortunately, I missed the councellor meeting which was at 1600. Hopefully, JaiNarsimh Prabhu will forgive me. Praying for his forgiveness.
Overall, a very very wonderful trip!
Your servant, Abhijit.
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